Listings on This Site
Abridged version, to be read in conjunction with full website Terms of Use.
Purpose of Site
- to promote Adaminaby and Lake Eucumbene region
- to provide information on the region & events for locals, visitors and potential residents
- to provide a business and community website service, which includes information about local clubs.
Event, Business and Organisation Listings
The website relies on accurate, up to date information. Any business or organisation submitting information for a listing undertakes to notify the Lake Eucumbene Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) (hereafter referred to as the 'LECC') in writing, of any changes to information published on the website or to contact information used by LECC.
Every business or organisation with a listing on the site will be contacted by LECC annually. Details must be confirmed/updated in writing at that time, or the listing will be deleted.
Individuals submitting events for listing will be contacted on the same basis.
Content of Webpages
Submissions for webpages must meet the LECC's and the hosting provider, SuttonNet's, standards for acceptable content. The LECC reserves the right to amend or reject material which it believes does not meet these criteria.
LECC will not publish web content that, in its judgment, is unsuitable for publication and/or may be damaging to individuals or to the local community.
As a guideline, SuttonNet requires the websites which it hosts to be fit for a child to read and/or view.
Photographs which contain the images of a person or persons currently under 18 years old must not be submitted without the permission of their legal guardian.
General legal requirements for website content include:
- not engaging in or encouraging illegal activity
- not infringing any privacy, copyright, trademark or proprietary rights
- not publishing libellous, abusive or obscene material.
Presentation & Whole Site Perspective
The LECC (or its representative) reserves the right to edit, re-arrange or restyle material as it sees fit, in order to best present information on the area and to maintain the readability, appearance, quality and functionality of the website. The LECC and/or SuttonNet may reject or replace images which are not of suitable size or quality.
Accuracy and Opinions
For information/historical pages: the LECC does not have the resources or knowledge to check all information supplied. Where possible, material should be reviewed by a knowledgeable person and referenced before submitting it for publication.
The LECC recognises that there are divergent views on topics such as the move from the old town, Lake water level management, grazing in national parks etc. These differences are part of our community. The LECC is an organisation which offers membership to all businesses and does not limit the fair presentation of different viewpoints through the website on contentious issues. However, the website is intended to promote the region and encourage community cohesion. Articles which the LECC believes to be distorted, or unnecessarily negative or divisive in tone, will be rejected or edited.
Information Management and Security
It is the user's responsibility to ensure security and confidentiality of any username and/or password that they may create or be assigned to gain access to the site.
Users agree that they will be held responsible for all activities which occur under their usernames and passwords (including but not limited to attempted or actual publication of illegal or defamatory material or any other unlawful activity, or unauthorised charging of credit cards).
The Lake Eucumbene Chamber of Commerce (Inc) September 2021